Hi everyone,
Today will be my last working for the CLIR Water project. I want to start off by saying thanks and reiterating my appreciation for this experience. Specifically, I want to give a huge shout-out to Tanya Kato, who was extremely patient with me at all times and provided the necessary guidance for my success. I deepened my understanding of primary sources, learned to create metadata, picked up on CONTENTdm’s navigational challenges, and made CGU friends along the way.
Although it’s always disappointing to have to move on, I’ve come to the conclusion that my time in the CCEPs room must end. The skills I learned and reinforced during my time at Honnold-Mudd Library will help me easily transition into other research positions directly related to my studies: Latin America. I hope to better understand the functionality of other databases and apply the lessons I learned in Claremont to future internships and positions. Next summer, I hope to intern with the Washington Office on Latin America. Thank you once again CLIR Water for having had me as a research fellow, it’s been an honor and a privilege working with such a welcoming and caring staff.
Thank you Tanya for making the experience worthwhile and fun, I’m thankful to have gained you as both a supervisor and a friend. Wish you all the best, and I’m looking forward to the CLIR Water Project’s future!
Warmest regards,
Angel Ornelas