Final Blog Entry

Hello Everyone, 

Today is my last blog entry and the day of my culminating CCEPS presentation. My presentation was an introduction to the Woman’s Club of Claremont, showcasing some of the interesting items in the collection, and a summary of my experience processing the collection. I have managed to get the original 27 boxes processed into 19 organized boxes of folders that will hopefully enable future researchers to easily access any materials they may be looking for in the collection. I have a great sense of accomplishment, and my experience with the CCEPS fellowship taught me many valuable skills I can take with me into the future, but it also allowed me the opportunity to informally meet the wonderful ladies of the Woman’s Club of Claremont. Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Almost to the Finish Line

Hello everyone,

I can’t believe my time at CCEPS is almost over, next week will be my last. I am so close to being finished with my goals for this project! I am almost done with the basics of the finding aid. I have been able to work on condensing the boxes down even further and will continue to work on it next Tuesday. My goal is to get it all done by next Thursday and be ready for my CCEPS project presentation by next Friday.

Wish me luck!

The Finding Aid is Coming Together

Hello Everyone, I have managed to get quite a bit done this week. I have completed entering all the note headings into ArchiveSpace and transferred the series scope and content notes into them.

I am working on the biographical history of the Woman’s Club of Claremont to enter into ArchiveSpace and hope to have it completed by next Tuesday. In researching the Club’s history for the narrative, I came across some interesting information. The women first purchased their clubhouse, known as the Elegant Lady, in 1925 through fundraising efforts, donations from the townspeople of the city of Claremont, and a loan procured from Claremont First National Bank. Twenty-five years later the women celebrated their silver anniversary by having a grand jubilee which culminated with the original Club President Mrs. Hill and the then President Mrs. Kennard burning the paid-in-full mortgage.

The event was recorded in the local newspaper and a toast and response was recited at the celebration commemorating the club, and the original thirteen members that brought the dream of the Woman’s Club of Claremont into reality. Take a look at the images below.

Have a great weekend!

Creating a Finding Aid

Hello Everyone,

Again, not much to report this week. I have been spending
the week working on the finding aid for the Woman’s Club of Claremont collection.
I have been writing the series and collection scope and content notes. These
notes summarize what is in the collection. It was more difficult than I thought
it was going to be. I found myself having to go back to my box survey, as well
as the records boxes themselves, to formulate how I was going to summarize the
contents and what I was going to include in the scope and content notes. I
began with the series scope and content notes and will finish those and move on
to the collection scope and content notes next week. There is a lot to learn
and I am really enjoying the journey. Have a great weekend!

Getting Acquainted

Hello Everyone,

There is not much to report this week. I have spent
the week getting acquainted with materials, sites, and tools associated with
creating the Finding Aid for what will become the Woman’s Club of Claremont
collection. This involves learning how to use an open source archival data
management system called ArchiveSpace. The program is fairly user
friendly and it will just take some time to get familiar with using it. I started
out slowly, a little hesitant to make a mistake, but eventually just dove in to
creating headings and writing paragraphs for the Scope and Content notes. The
Scope and Content notes will let researchers know the content of the archive,
so they can determine the material’s relevance to their research. Luckily, I
was provided many examples to follow so I just allowed the work of those that
came before me to guide my way. I am wrapping up my week happy to have learned
something new. Have a great weekend! 

Back to the Books

Hello Everyone,

I have spent the week organizing and hitting the books. I have condensed and organized all the boxes. It is satisfying to see everything nice and neat and orderly!

Blog 1 Pic.jpg

Tidy Boxes Blog Pic.jpg

I have been reviewing the manuals on how to proceed to the next steps, creating the Collection Description and the Finding Aid. I have also been studying the Describing Archives A Content Standard (DACS) to help me understand what’s next.

Blog 1 Pic 2.jpg

I am excited to move on to the next and continue this wonderful learning experience. Have a great weekend!




Ready for Phase 2

Hello Everyone, I have finally managed to make my way
through all the boxes for some initial processing. I began with twenty-seven
boxes and ended up with twenty-one boxes of sorted records. I have another pass
through to perform so I can double check my work, and a few odds and ends to fix,
but I have a satisfying feeling of accomplishment. I am looking forward to continuing
to the next phase in the processing plan next week. Have a great weekend!   

Almost There!

Hello Everyone, I now have nineteen of the twenty-seven boxes completed
and I am almost finished with the initial phase of processing the records
boxes. I am going to try to work fast next week and may be able to finish up and
move on to the next phase in processing the collection. The volume of club records
speaks to the club’s longevity within the Claremont community. It is inspiring
to think that a club which began with a few members meeting during the First
World War to do Red Cross sewing, knitting, and community service was able to
grow in membership and purpose, and endure an entire century. The day the Woman’s
Club of Claremont moved out of meeting at member houses and into their new
clubhouse was a big event which the ladies recorded in notes and photographs. I
have included more im
ages found in a record book titled, Woman’s Club of Claremont 1924 – 1944, for your

Procession.jpg      Procession 2.jpg

Procession to the new clubhouse. Images found in a record book titled,
Woman’s Club of Claremont 1924 – 1944

Car Pic.jpg  At New Club House.jpg

At the new clubhouse. Images found in a record book titled, Woman’s Club of Claremont 1924 – 1944

Race Against the Clock

Hello Everyone, this week has been productive, but
time on this project seems to be passing quickly and I am trying to pick up the
pace to accomplish as much as possible. I now have nine of the twenty-seven
boxes completed with much of the annual and monthly operational club activity
records and Junior Club project reports in folders. I have also made significant
progress on creating folders for Club history as well as Woman’s Club events
and projects. The remaining boxes awaiting processing contain ledgers and
journals, printed matter and ephemera, newspaper clippings, photos, and slides,
and some remaining loose paperwork. I have a good plan of attack for next week
and am eager to get started on Tuesday.

The Woman’s Club of
Claremont has had some great fundraising events throughout their history and
have been very creative in coming up with event themes. I have come across some
wonderful event programs for fashion shows from the 1950’s and 1960’s with such
titles as “Autumn Fashion Treasures,” “Fashions for a Goddess,” and “Strawberry
Supreme,” with some programs being handmade. Check them out!

Blog Pic Fashion Show 1.jpg
Blog Pic Fashion Show 2.jpg

Seeing Where I Am At

Hi Everyone, this week has been spent sorting and creating folders. I have continued working on processing Junior Club project report folders. It is time consuming work. I have been removing staples and transferring the contents of the reports from report covers to file folders. It took longer than I estimated, but I managed to get through two boxes of project reports. I was beginning to feel as though I hadn’t accomplished much, but I felt a little better after looking at the tidy boxes of folders I have processed. It is hard to believe the amount of work it has taken to produce these six organized boxes.

Still a long way to go!