A surprise while scanning

Hi all,

Today as I was scanning the contents of one of the Ontario Mutual Water Companies Collection folders, I came across a scrap from a planner which caught my eye. It’s similar to the one I use to keep life organized, but it’s from 1952, which is so cool! Apart from a little calendar and dates on the side, it also includes historical facts. For example, on August 5th, it says “first Atlantic cable U.S. to England 1858.” What fascinates me most, though, is the quote printed across the top: “to know but one religion is not to know that one.” It’s pretty thought-provoking and encourages an open mind- not something I necessarily associate with the 1950s in the U.S. I wonder why this blank page ended up in a folder which mostly contains letters to stockholders and such. I hope to continue stumbling across little interesting tidbits as I get through scanning the rest of this box.


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The Monkey and the Cat

On May 25, 1883 George Chaffey wrote a letter to William
Johnston. George Chaffey relays various information about the Ontario Colony:
Rent is double what it is in Kingston, Canada. The schools are “first class.”
Other than the cost of rent, the cost of living is the same as Kingston,
Canada. Employment is readily available for hard workers. This last point
George Chaffey emphasizes, writing, “the principle trouble with the men who
come here is they are a vexing lot–cut shady therefore, a level man is always
in demand.”

Next, George Chaffey mentions the “Plain Statement” letter
published in the British Whig (see my last post for more information about
this). Apparently George Chaffey tracked down the author of this anonymous
letter. George Chaffey expresses his disdain for the author by explaining that
he never met George Chaffey or even visited Etiwanda and Ontario, even though
the author lambasts Etiwanda in “A Plain Statement” specifically. Furthermore,
George Chaffey explains, the author has been sick with typhus fever which
George thinks means the author “has been induced to evil and allow himself to
be used as a catspaw.”

“Catspaw.” This word gave me pause. What is a catspaw?
Apparently this is a reference to a fable called “The Monkey and the Cat” in
which a monkey convinces a cat to use its paw to retrieve food that is roasting
over a fire. Once the cat uses his paw to get the food, burning his paw in the
process, the monkey steals the food. In this way the monkey uses the cat (and
his paw) to the monkey’s benefit while the cat gets no benefit.

George Chaffey continues, writing, “I will catch the monkey
however and warm his jacket.” Apparently, George Chaffey believes that the man
who wrote “A Plain Statement” was writing on behalf of someone else entirely!
The intrigue continues to build. Maybe a future letter will reveal who the
Monkey is! By the way, I wasn’t sure the meaning of the phrase “warm his jacket”
so I looked that up as well. So far I haven’t found any explanations for that
phrase but perhaps it is another reference to “The Monkey and the Cat” fable.
In any case, it sounds threatening to me!

George Chaffey ends the letter writing that many of the
settlers are writing to the British Whig to rebut the words of “A Plain
Statement.” George Chaffey hopes that these letters will be published in the
periodically shortly.

George Chaffey signs the letter “Yours & etc.,” which
incidentally is now my new favorite sign off.




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Happy Valentine’s Day!

It feels befitting to start my CCEPS project on Valentine’s day because I will be working on the T.S. Eliot Collection at Denison Library. And this is so, not just because Eliot wrote many love poems, but because I will be examining Eliot’s (most likely) romantic relationship with Emily Hale, a former faculty member at Scripps.

Thanks to this “friendship” (we really don’t know for sure what kind of relationship they had. I am certain though that we will know more when T.S. Eliot’s 1,131 letters to Hale become open to the public on 1/1/2020), T.S. Eliot was here in Claremont several times and the collection houses memorabilia, handwritten cards, and letters from Eliot. He made friends in Claremont through Hale and I am excited to explore his connection to Claremont by digging into the box!

This post card caught my eye today. It’s sent on April 6th, so I presume that the “Valentine’s Post Card” is just a printing company owned by someone named Valentine. But still, I thought it was cool and sort of relevant. Eliot writes to Jeanette McPherrin (a friend of Hale’s): “This is to let you know that there is still a good deal of snow about Inverness, which I left yesterday morning. Crocuses are out, however. T.S.E.” Decoding his handwriting has been tough. Initially I read “snow” as “show” and I could not figure out “crocuses” until Dr. Susan Allen helped me out. More to come, I’m sure.

Week of February 5-9

 Hi everyone,

I mostly spent this week continuing to convert files into PDF/A format and scanning documents from the Southside Mutual Water Company collection. Though these may turn out to be of great relevance to researchers in the future, I don’t quite have the context for what makes them significant. So, I’ll blog my response to a question my boss, Tanya, asked me about how the Chaffey letters fit with my understanding of their time period.

Although the Chaffey letters often
function as reminders of how much business, technology, and the Inland Empire have
changed since the 1800s, they also make me feel closer to their time period
when I read them. My image of California in the 1800s consists of Spanish
missions, Mexican ranchos, and the gold rush. The letters delve into a much
more specific aspect of this history, although they still fit within the
period’s struggles with contested land and colonization, which I’ve learned
about in history classes.

Til next week,





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Seeing Where I Am At

Hi Everyone, this week has been spent sorting and creating folders. I have continued working on processing Junior Club project report folders. It is time consuming work. I have been removing staples and transferring the contents of the reports from report covers to file folders. It took longer than I estimated, but I managed to get through two boxes of project reports. I was beginning to feel as though I hadn’t accomplished much, but I felt a little better after looking at the tidy boxes of folders I have processed. It is hard to believe the amount of work it has taken to produce these six organized boxes.

Still a long way to go!

A Plain Statement

On April 28, 1883 a letter was published in the Canadian periodical
the British Whig titled “A Plain Statement.” The anonymous letter, signed
simply “Western Settler,” warned Canadians interested in settling in Southern
California to be wary of accounts of how prosperous the land is. He states that
water scarcity is a huge problem and that “the land is worth nothing without
water, and there is nothing more than two thirds enough for the lots sold” in
Etiwanda and Riverside. The writer states “This is not a paradise by any means.
Riverside is a beautiful place and the climate is unsurpassed by any other. It
is a fine place for a person with money seeking a pleasant home, apart from the
profits of agriculture.” He is concerned that new settlers, drawn by the good
things being said about Southern California, will come to the area seeking easy
investment opportunities. On the contrary, he states that many of the crops, including
orange trees, have failed during this season and that “the orchards will not
pay this year.” The letter concisely discourages anyone to settle in Riverside
and Etiwanda.

The Chaffey brothers were quick to respond. 1883 marked an
important year for the Chaffeys as they generated momentum for settlement in
the Inland Empire. Etiwanda, in particular was a key colony for the Chaffey
brothers, along with Ontario. Many of the letters sent during these years are
dedicated to encouraging and convincing people that Southern California is a
prosperous place to live and work. Their company, and in fact their lives,
depended on people purchasing land from them in places like Etiwanda and
Riverside. A letter like “A Plain Statement,” published in a widely read
publication like the British Whig could be extremely detrimental to the Chaffey

On May 15, 1883, less than a month after the letter was
published (remember, this is a time before email, when information moved
slower), William Henderson wrote a lengthy letter to the editor of the British
Whig regarding the letter. Immediately William Henderson calls out the
anonymity of the letter as evidence that the writer is “evidently ashamed of
his work.” William Henderson calls the claims basely false but that because of
the periodical’s “wide circulation and general good reputation” readers might
believe the statement uncritically.

William Henderson refutes the idea that people buying the
land are participating in risky speculation, stating that many people are
buying the land in small parcels for homes and farms, turning it into a proper
city. In fact, Etiwanda, one of the cities the “Western Settler” is most
critical of, has a school, a church, a store, and a hotel. This is especially
impressive given only a year ago the area had been completely undeveloped.

Next, William Henderson addresses the water scarcity topic
as well as the claim that crops are unsuccessful. He categorically refutes any
statement that says water is a problem in the Chaffey Brothers’ properties. He
writes, “The water rights of Ontario and Etiwanda are among the best in
Southern California. The amount of water given with the land is definite and
the supply is greater than that used in some of the most prosperous settlements
of this favored region.” He continues by stating that claims against the viability
of the crops planting in the region are failing. William Henderson refers to
several farms that have made money through the various fruit trees and crops.

William Henderson ends the letter undermining the validity
of the “Western Settler,” calling him a lazy and indolent instigator. He
presumes that the writer of “A Plain Statement” was an unwise investor that
settled in a different part of Southern California that experienced problems
and that now he is generalizing inappropriately. He reiterates that the
anonymous nature of the letter is suspicious, perhaps if the letter writer has
attributed his name, the “Western Settler” would be revealed to be an
unreliable source of information. William Henderson encourages the letter
writer to “back up his statements, let him come forward like a man, and face
the music instead of sneaking behind an assumed name.”

It’s no surprise that the Chaffey brothers would want to act
fast and aggressively towards anyone who is critical of their business plan. It
is interesting to read this publication and the following letters as history
unfolds page by page, letter by letter.




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Things Are Shaping Up Nicely

This week was productive. I managed to get all the annual and monthly activity documents sorted from the boxes and put into folders. I also began getting the Junior Club Project reports separated and into folders as well. Next week I will continue with Junior Club Project reports and then, depending how long that takes, begin on scrap books. There are many scrap books full of newspaper articles, achievement awards, certificates of recognition, and photographs from decades of activities and events. I am looking forward to processing all these memorabilia.

The Woman’s Club of Claremont has had many interactions with the Girl Scouts of Claremont over the years. I came across a Girl Scout Calendar from 1988 as well as a letter sent to households and members of the community in 1957 detailing “OPERATION SEOPATCA,” the Claremont Girl Scout’s effort to send one of their troops to Canada.

The letter explains the troop’s plan for an “all-out sale” of Girl Scout cookies to fund their trip to Canada. Considering it is Girl Scout cookie season now, it was amusing to note in the letter that cookies were only .50 cents a box, $6.00 a case! Times sure have changed. Girl Scout Cookies @ .50 cents a box!

May 12, 1883

On May 12, 1883 George Chaffey wrote a letter to J. W.
Snowden. J. W. Snowden bought land from the Chaffey brothers and George Chaffey
is updating him about the state of the land. Apparently people who wanted to
settle in the area could pay the Chaffey brothers to get the property set up
for them. J. W. Snowden wanted fruit trees planted on his Cucamonga property.
At the time of the letter’s writing, the land had been plowed and orange trees
were planning on being planted the very next week. George Chaffey claims that
the orange trees are “the best in the market.”

After this update, George Chaffey discusses planting crops
and orchards more generally. He claims that by May the “time for planting
deciduous trees of any kind is past for this season” but that lemons can be
planted for six more weeks. Lemon plants cost the same as oranges and the best
trees to buy are two year old plants. By four years old, trees begin to produce
fruit, but they really start producing fruit by the fifth year. Therefore,
planting two year old trees shortens the wait until the orchard is fully

George Chaffey also goes into great detail about the
benefits of the apricot tree. Apparently there wasn’t a huge market for
apricots at this time, but as farmers continued to grow them there was hope
that a taste for apricots would develop.  In fact, Chaffey is so confident that he
writes, “We do not fear for the ultimate success of the apricot, it is the King
of deciduous fruits.”

George Chaffey then transitions to writing about a friend of
J. W. Snowden, who is thinking about settling in Southern California as well.
Chaffey says that if the man has good work ethic he will not have trouble
finding work in this area, even offering to employ him as a ranch worker for
$75 a month while he gets settled. George Chaffey also offers to employ the man’s
wife for $15-20 a month if she wants to join the man in Southern California. He
recommends that they both come and work for him because “a few hundred dollars
will build a home.” George Chaffey ends the letter by writing, “The country
presents opportunities for energetic persons which we believe cannot be found

Chaffey Letter 3.57.1.jpg




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