Archival Processing in Review

This week I am still swimming deep within the waves of boxes and folders. I just wanted to do a quick overview of what I have done since the very start of my internship.

  • Conducted a collection survey which helped me become familiar with the records within the collection. I took notes on collection’s arrangement, materials, preservation problems, and the events documented within the collection. I also make sure the collection contained no sensitive information and took the necessary step to address those issues.
  • Created a processing plan in which I wrote down information about the collection as a whole, issues to be aware of when processing the collection, and a proposal about how to arrange the collection. What I learned this week is that the processing plan is constantly changing. If my initial processing plan is not working, I can always add, remove, and edit the processing plan.
  • Execute processing plan by removing clips, duplicates, acidic materials, and materials with no research value. Every action done during processing, should be written and documented in the process plan.
  • As of right now I am happy to report that I am more than half way done with processing the collection! Hopefully, within the next two weeks I will begin to create the finding aid.

In the mean time, I wanted to share some photos of Roland Jackson.

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REUNION- Former students of Wauwatosa High School, including many veterans, got together in the school cafeteria for an informal open house. During the evening. Roland Jackson, 1535 St. Charles St., obligingly pounded out some “hot licks” on the piano to entertain the crowed. Fall 1945.

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Spring 1947

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Northland College faculty 1949

Roland top right

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May 1950

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This picture taken in Freiberg German. 1952. While at the University.Â