A Stream of New Items

This week here at CCEPS I have been working on uploading my items finally to the Claremont Colleges Digital Library. After a long process, I am beginning to upload my 99 scanned items to the internet for patrons to have access to! Currently, I have uploaded 36 items. They are accessible here.

Some highlights from my uploading frenzy include the following items:

Map of Imperial Valley and motor map of central and southern California

Brochure containing two maps. Center spread is a black and white motor map of Southern California featuring red dots which indicate the locations of other Security-First National Bank of Los Angeles branches. The center spread features the automobile mileage of El Centro, Imperial Valley, California to other southern California cities. The other side features a vertical black and white map of the Imperial Valley with red dots which indicate the locations of other Security-First National Bank of Los Angeles Branches.

Hydrograph of the Salton Sea

Colored hydrograph of the Salton Sea featuring data covering 1914-1933.

More items will be coming soon! But for now, enjoy these new items added to the Water Resources collection!