This week was productive. I managed to get all the annual and monthly activity documents sorted from the boxes and put into folders. I also began getting the Junior Club Project reports separated and into folders as well. Next week I will continue with Junior Club Project reports and then, depending how long that takes, begin on scrap books. There are many scrap books full of newspaper articles, achievement awards, certificates of recognition, and photographs from decades of activities and events. I am looking forward to processing all these memorabilia.
The Woman’s Club of Claremont has had many interactions with the Girl Scouts of Claremont over the years. I came across a Girl Scout Calendar from 1988 as well as a letter sent to households and members of the community in 1957 detailing “OPERATION SEOPATCA,” the Claremont Girl Scout’s effort to send one of their troops to Canada.
The letter explains the troop’s plan for an “all-out sale” of Girl Scout cookies to fund their trip to Canada. Considering it is Girl Scout cookie season now, it was amusing to note in the letter that cookies were only .50 cents a box, $6.00 a case! Times sure have changed. Girl Scout Cookies @ .50 cents a box!